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  17. Sid. Ap. Carmina, 7.424ff.

  18. cf. Jordanes (Get. 41 [218]), who describes his rule as ‘mild’.

  19. Quarrel, Hyd. s.a. 452; Prosp. s.a 453; Addit. ad Prosp. Haun. s.a. 453; Chron. Gall. 511, no. 621; Jord. Get. 228; Greg. Tur. 2.7.

  20. Greg. Tur. 2.7.

  21. Addit. ad Prosp. Haun. s.a. 453; Jord. Get. 229.

  22. Hyd. s.a. 452–453.

  23. Prosp. s.a. 453.

  24. Jord. Get. 38 (199–200).

  25. Prisc. fr. 30. 1. = Joh. Ant. fr. 201.

  26. The information on this battle is drawn from Priscus (fr. 30. 1. = Joh. Ant. fr. 201) unless otherwise stated.

  27. Prisc. fr. 30. 1. = Joh. Ant. fr. 201.

  28. Hyd. s.a. 453–4.

  29. Joh. Ant. fr. 201.6: on Vicus Helena see Chapter X.

  30. Sid. Ap. Carmina, 5.290–300.

  31. Ibid. 5. passim.

  32. Prosp. s.a. 454.

  33. Heather, The World of the Huns, p. 372.

  34. PLRE 2, Maximus 22, 749–751.

  35. On his support, see Chapter 11.

  36. Prisc. fr. 30 =Joh. Ant. fr. 201. cf. Prosp. s.a. 454.

  37. Prosp. s.a. 454. cf. Evag. 2.7 (54).

  38. 21 Sept = Addit. ad Prosp. Haun. s.a. 454: 22 Sept = Ann. Rav. s.a. 454.

  39. Prisc. fr. 30. 1. = Joh. Ant. fr. 201.

  40. Prisc. fr. 30. 1. = Joh. Ant. fr. 201; Cass. Chron. s.a. 454; Marc. com. s.a. 454; Vict. Tonn. s.a. 454; Prosp. s.a. 454; Theoph. AM 5946: Evag. 2.7 (54).

  41. Aetius killed along with a number of honorati (distinguished citizens), Hyd. s.a. 454.

  42. Prisc. fr. 30 =Joh. Ant. fr. 201.

  43. Proc. 3.4.28.

  44. Oost, ‘Aetius and Majorian’, p. 25.

  45. Sid. Ap. Carmina, 5.306–308: Joh. Ant. fr. 201, 4-5.

  46. Hyd. s.a. 453-4.

  47. Prisc. fr. 30 =Joh. Ant. fr. 201. Priscus claims that Maximus also wanted to be patricius, but other evidence suggests that he was already patricius in 454: PLRE Vol. 2, Maximus 22, 750–751.

  48. Addit. Ad Prosp. Haun. s.a. 455.

  49. Prisc. fr. 30.1.

  50. Evag. 2.7: analysis, Whitby, The Ecclesiastical History of Evagrius Scholasticus, 82, n. 87.

  51. Oost, ‘Aetius and Majorian’, p. 25.

  52. Joh. Mal. 360; Addit. Ad Prosp. Haun. s.a. 455; Marc. com. s.a. 455; Jord. Rom. 334; John Ant. fr. 201.5; Greg. Tur. 2.8; PLRE Vol. 2, Placidus Valentinianus 4, 1139; plot by Maximus and Heraclius, Vict. Tonn. s.a. 455.

  Chapter 17

  1. Prisc. fr. 30.1 = Joh. Ant. fr. 201.

  2. Prisc. fr. 30.1 = Joh. Ant. fr. 201.

  3. Prisc. fr. 30.1 = Joh. Ant. fr. 201. cf. PLRE 2, Maximianus 5, and Blockley, The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, p. 393, n.134.

  4. Prisc. fr. 30.1 = Joh. Ant. fr. 201.

  5. Theoph. AM 5947.

  6. Joh. Ant. fr. 201.6. Hyd. s.a. 455.

  7. Prisc. fr. 30.1 = Joh. Ant. fr. 201; Addit. ad Prosp. Haun. s.a. 455; Vict. Tonn. s.a. 455; Joh. Mal. 360, 365; Evag. 2.7 etc.

  8. Joh. Ant. fr. 201.6.

  9. For example, Halsall, 2, Barbarian Migrations, Heather, Fall of the Roman Empire and Mitchell, History of the Later Roman Empire ignore Eudoxia’s alleged part in Gaiseric’s actions, simply noting that Gaiseric was attempting to avenge the insult to his son by Eudocia’s betrothal to Palladius.

  10. Theoph. AM 5947.

  11. Prisc. fr. 30.1 = Joh. Ant. fr. 201; Evag. 2.7 (54).

  12. Clover, Flavius Merobaudes, p. 54, esp. n.115. See Chapter 11.

  13. cf. Halsall, Barbarian Migrations, p. 255.

  14. Dissolution of the peace treaty, Eudoxia’s message, and the weakness of the new regime, Prisc. fr. 30.1 = Joh. Ant. fr. 201.

  15. Sid. Ap. Carmina, 7.369–375.

  16. Ibid., esp. 7.377–378, 432 and 464–8. See Sidonius Apollinaris, Poems and Letters, Anderson (tr.), pp. 148–149, n. 6.

  17. Sid. Ap. Carmina, 7.360ff.

  18. Ibid., 7.388ff.

  19. See Chapter 14.

  20. Heather, Fall of the Roman Empire, p. 378.

  21. Prisc. fr. 30.1 = Joh. Ant. fr. 201.

  22. Date, Theoph. AM 5947; cf. Prosp. s.a. 455. The Fasti Vindobonenses Priori date the event to 12 June, but see Bury, History of the Later Roman Empire, p. 205 and n. 2: note that the Anonymus Cuspiniani are now referred to as the Fasti Vindobonenses Priori.

  23. Prisc. fr. 30.1 = Joh. Ant. fr. 201.

  24. Prisc. fr. 30.1 = Joh. Ant. fr. 201; Prosp. s.a. 455.

  25. Prosp. s.a. 455. Vict. Tonn. s.a. 455; Joh. Mal. 14.26 (365–6); Theoph AM 5947, etc.

  26. Hyd. s.a. 455.

  27. Theoph. AM 5947.

  28. Prisc. fr. 24.

  29. Hyd. s.a. 456; Prisc. fr. 24; Sid. Ap. Carmina 2.367.

  30. Auct. Prosp. Haun. s.a. 456.

  31. Isidore of Seville, Chron. 110.

  32. Joh. Ant. fr. 201.6; 202.

  33. Joh. Ant. fr. 202.

  34. Auct. Prosp. Haun. s.a. 456; Vict. Tonn. s.a. 456; Joh. Ant. fr. 202; Theoph. AM 5948.

  35. Fast. Vind. Prior. s.a. 457 (582).

  36. Sid. Ap. Carmina 5.373–385.

  37. Fast. Vind. Prior. s.a. 457 (583).

  38. Maenchen-Helfen, World of the Huns, pp. 142, 162.

  39. Theoph. AM 5949.

  40. Chron. Pasch. s.a. 455; Chron. Pasch. s.a. 464. cf. Joh. Mal. 14.31 (368) and Evagrius (2.7 [54]), who claims that Eudoxia and Placidia were returned ‘to placate Marcian in the East’. See also Theoph. AM 5949.

  41. Evag. 2.7 (54–5).

  42. Sid. Ap. Carmina 5. 203–206; Hyd. s.a. 455; Joh. Ant. fr. 88.


  1. Sid. Ap. Carmina 7. 230.

  2. Heather, Fall of the Roman Empire, p. 262.

  3. Ibid., pp. 262–3.

  4. Sid. Ap. Carmina 7. 230.

  5. Elton, ‘Defence in Fifth-Century Gaul’, p. 170.

  6. Brown, World of Late Antiquity, p. 119

  7. Halsall, Barbarian Migrations, p. 252.

  8. cf. ibid. p. 250f.

  9. Heather, Fall of the Roman Empire, p. 348.

  10. Hughes, Stilicho, p. 177ff.

  11. Ibid., p. 210ff.

  12. cf. CAH, 537.

  13. See, for example, Ward-Perkins, Fall of Rome, p. 54.

  14. Based on Elton, Warfare in Roman Europe, p. 55.

  15. Hughes, Stilicho, pp. 213–214.

  16. Elton, ‘Defence in Fifth-Century Gaul’, p. 171.

  17. cf. Halsall, Barbarian Migrations, p. 248.

  18. Brown, World of Late Antiquity, p. 124.

  19. This can be compared with Stilicho, who had earlier sent a man named Mascezel to Africa to reconquer the province, but after the success of the campaign had had Mascezel killed.

  20. Gibbon, History of the Decline and Fall, Vol. 2, p. 382.

  Select Bibliography


  Additamenta Ad Chronicon Prosperi Hauniensis Chronica Minora, Vol. 1

  Agnellus Liber Pontificalis Ecclesiae Ravennatis online at

  Annals of Ravenna Bischoff, B and Koehler, W, ‘Eine Illustrierte Ausgabe Der Spätantiken Ravennater Annalen’ in WRW Koehler, Medieval Studies in Memory of A. Kingsley Porter, Vol. 1 (New York, 1969), pp. 125–138

  Anonymus Cuspiniani see Fasti Vindobonenses Priori

  Augustine Collatio cum Maximino online at

  ——, Epistles (Letters) online at

  Blockley, RC The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire: Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus: Vol. 2 (Liverpool, 1983)

  Carmen de Providentia Divina online at,_Prosperus_Aquitanus,_Carmen_De_Provvidentia_Divina_%5BIncertus%5D,_MLT.pdf

  Cassiodorus Chronica online at

  ——, Variae, SJB Barnish, tr. (Liverpool, 1992)

  Chronica Caesaraugusta Chronica Minora, Vol 2

  Chronica Gallica 452 Burgess, R in RW Mathisen and D Schanzer (eds), Society and Culture in Late Antique Gaul: Revisiting the Source, (Aldershot, 2001), pp. 52–84. See also Murray, AC

  Chronica Gallica 511 Burgess, R in RW Mathisen and D Schanzer (eds), Society and Culture in Late Antique Gaul: Revisiting the Source (Aldershot, 2001), pp. 85–99. See also Murray, AC

  Chronicon Paschale Chronicon Paschale 284–628 AD, M Whitby and M Whitby, trs (Liverpool, 1989) The Civil Law See Scott, SP

  Codex Justinianus The Code of Justinian, FH Blume, tr., online at

  Collectio Avellana online at

  Constantius of Lyon ‘Vita sancti Germani (The Life of Saint Germanus)’, FR Hoare (tr.). In T Noble and T Head, Soldiers of Christ: Saints’ Lives from Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, (Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994), pp. 75–106.

  Consularia Italica Chronica Minora, Vol. 1.

  Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum online at

  Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum (CSEL) online at

  Eunapius See Blockley, RC

  Eutropius Breviarium historiae Romanae (Abridgement of Roman History), JS Watson, tr., online at (February 2010)

  Evagrius Scholasticus Ecclesiastical History, E Walford, tr., online at

  Evagrius Scholasticus The Ecclesiastical History of Evagrius Scholasticus, M Whitby, tr. (Liverpool, 2000)

  Exempla scripturae epigraphicae latinae online at and

  Excerpta Barbari online at

  Fasti Vindobonenses Priori Chronica Minora, Vol. 1

  Gesta Treverorum online at,_Auctor_Incertus,_Gesta_Treverorum,_MLT.pdf

  Gildas De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae (On the Ruin and Conquest of Britain), JA Giles, tr., online at

  Hydatius The Chronicle of Hydatius and the Consularia Constantinopolitana, RW Burgess, ed. and tr. (Oxford, 1993)

  Hydatius See Murray, AC

  Isidore of Seville Chronicon, KB Wolf, tr., online at

  John of Antioch (excerpts) Gordon, CD., The Age of Attila (Michigan, 1960)

  John Malalas The Chronicle of John Malalas, E Jeffreys, M Jeffreys and R Scott, trs (Melbourne, 1986)

  Jordanes Getica (The Origins and Deeds of the Goths), CC Mierow, tr., online at (February 2010) (February 2010)

  —— Getica and Romana, online at

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  —— De summa temporum vel origine actibusque gentis Romanorum, online at

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  Mansi, JD Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio (The New and Most Complete Collection of the Sacred Councils) online at 12148/bpt6k515865

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  Notitia Dignitatum O Seeck, Notitia dignitatum: accedunt Notitia urbis Constantinopolitanae et Laterculi provinciarum (Berlin, 1876) online at see Blockley

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  Prosper see Murray, AC

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